Monday, March 15, 2021

Safe At Home Auction

SafeHouse is on the front lines providing life-saving and life changing services to individuals and families escaping domestic violence. The COVID-19 healthcare crisis has shed light on the fact that not everyone is “safe” or “safer” at home. Throughout this crisis, SafeHouse has provided a safe and secure shelter for individuals and families escaping domestic violence.

Join us for our first ever online auction! Every dollar raised directly benefits victim/survivors and their families and allows us to continue providing critical services in our community. 

 Auction items include: 

  • Signed Nick Saban football (Roll Tide!) 
  • Signed Bryan Harsin football (War Eagle!) 
  • Spa Packages 
  • Assorted Gift Baskets 
  • Much more to come! 
More information available on the auction website

Thursday, March 11, 2021

The History of SafeHouse

It's Women's History Month, and we're taking some to reflect on the history of SafeHouse.

SafeHouse was founded by a group of concerned citizens who realized the great need for a domestic violence shelter in Shelby County. In 2003, the SafeHouse Board of Directors launched a multi-year campaign to construct much needed facilities required to carry out our mission and meet the needs of our community. In 2007, The Caroline E. Jackson Center for Women and Children opened a 56 bed emergency shelter offering immediate safe shelter for survivors and their children. SafeShelby SANE Clinic opened in December 2016 to provide sexual assault forensic exams and follow-up services.

Today, SafeHouse continues to grow and to provide life-saving services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. In 2020 our staff assisted 450 clients. We can't wait to see where SafeHouse will go in 2021!

Domestic Violence, Trauma, and Mental Health Symptoms-December 2021

Domestic Violence, Trauma, and Mental Health Symptoms        The holidays are  considered  "a time to be with family a nd loved ones...